I provide a rural pest control service in domestic gardens, parks, schools, golf courses and farm land in Leeds, York Ilkley, Otley. I am fully qualified in all aspects of pest control can successfully eradicate even the most severe of infestations.
All quotes are inclusive and can usually be provided over the phone. I have years of experience of dealing with rural pests including rabbits and moles and always provide a safe, professional and efficient service.
I usually control Moles using traditional mole traps. On larger mole catching contracts I can set round 30 traps per hour. which could produce a catch of several hundred moles each week I usually charge a simple price per mole and always show the moles to prove how many have been removed.
For domestic mole control I provide a quote to remove every mole in the area and usually visit several times over a 7 day period.
There are several options available to control rabbits including gassing, trapping and overnight shooting sessions using high powered air rifles. For rabbit control I charge per hour. The cost per hour will depend on the size of the resident population, for example a large population on a farm will be priced at a much lower hourly rate than a small number of rabbits in a large garden. The effect on the resident population can be quite dramatic if done correctly and as no chemicals or traps are used using this method I can ensure that no harm is done to non target wildlife.
Be careful when selecting a rural pest control contractor. Many 'hunters" will offer to shoot your land for free but as they are doing it for sport they have a vested interest in ensuring that total control is not achieved. As a professional I will always turn up on time regardless of the weather and complete the agreed number of hours work.
I am proud to be one of the regions only Wildlife Aware Accredited Technicians. The Wildlife Aware Accredited Technician course is not a course on basic rodent control. Those who attend the course are expected already to possess proficiency through practical experience and prior training in rodent pest management, and to have obtained relevant qualifications such as those offered by the Royal Society for the Protection of Health (RSPH) and City & Guilds, or equivalents.
The course is designed to increase the pest technicians understanding of current levels of contamination of wildlife to rodenticides, explain the main primary and secondary routes of exposure of wildlife from rodenticides and alert competent professionals to the techniques that should be adopted to minimise wildlife exposure during rodent pest management in rural settings.
I take great pride in providing my customers with the best possible service. I have achieved a huge number of qualifications and accreditations since I started trading in 2008, and am now one of the most qualified pest control operators in the North of England. If I can be of assistance in any way or you would like to find out more about me and the services I offer to control rural pests across Yorkshire including rabbits and moles please do not hesitate to contact me.
Send me a message using the contact form below it should arrive at my smartphone after a couple of minutes. If I don't get back to you straight away, don't panic and call another pest control company. I will call you back as soon as I have finished the job i'm working on. I could be up a ladder, catching rats in a roof space or spraying an infestation of bed bugs.